Restorative Dentistry

District Dental Group - Washington, DC

While teeth are an incredibly resilient and durable part of the human body, they are not indestructible. Over time, teeth can become stained, chipped, cracked, or even lost entirely. When this happens, it can have a major impact on a person’s appearance and self-confidence. In addition to the aesthetic effects of lost or damaged teeth, there are also some serious health implications; teeth play an important role in chewing and digesting food, and when they are not functioning properly, it can lead to problems with nutrition. Additionally, missing teeth can cause a person’s bite to change, which can put undue stress on the remaining teeth and lead to further damage. Overall, teeth serve a multi-faceted purpose in the human body, and when they are not functioning properly, this can have a significant impact on a person’s quality of life.

Thankfully, there is a branch of dentistry known as restorative dentistry that is dedicated to repairing and restoring smiles that have suffered damage.  Restorative dentistry generally refers to any dental procedure that is performed to improve the health and function of the teeth. This can include procedures such as dental fillings, dental crowns, dentures, and dental implants. At our Washington, DC office, we offer all of these services and more, and we would be happy to help you find the best solution for your individual needs.

If you are dealing with dental damage or tooth loss, we encourage you to contact our office to schedule an appointment. We will work with you to develop a treatment plan that will restore your smile and improve your oral health.

Zirconia Crowns

If your tooth has suffered damage that can not be repaired by a standard filling, then a zirconia dental crown may be the best option to restore your tooth to its original function and appearance. Zirconia crowns are made from a strong, durable material that looks and feels just like your natural tooth. Unlike standard dental crowns, zirconia crowns are less likely to discolor over time and are more resistant to wear and tear. There are many benefits of zirconia crowns, including: 

    • Zirconia crowns are non-porous, so they’re less likely to absorb staining agents from foods or beverages.
    • Zirconia crowns are esthetically pleasing and look very natural.
    • Zirconia crowns are strong and durable, so they can last for many years with proper care.
    • Zirconia crowns are biocompatible, meaning they’re unlikely to cause irritation or an inflammatory response in the gum tissue.

A zirconia dental crown is placed over the damaged tooth to protect it from further damage or decay. The crown covers the entire visible portion of the tooth, restoring its natural shape, size, and appearance. Additionally, patients can enjoy full function of the tooth following crown placement; without the crown, the damaged tooth would likely require an extraction.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Dental fillings are minor restorative procedures designed to repair the tooth following damage from decay or injury. Once our team removes the decayed or damaged tissue, we will clean the area to prepare it for the filling material. In the past, most fillings were made from a metallic amalgam. While these fillings are still used in some cases, tooth-colored fillings are much more popular.

Tooth-colored fillings, also called composite fillings, are made from a resin material that can be matched to the color of your natural teeth. This ensures that the filling is virtually invisible and provides a much more aesthetically pleasing result. In addition to their cosmetic benefits, tooth-colored fillings also bond to the tooth structure while curing, which helps to strengthen the restoration.


If you are seeking an exceptional restoration that restores function, beauty, and health to your smile following tooth loss, then dentures may be the right choice for you. Dentures are custom-made removable prosthetic devices that are designed to look and feel just like your natural teeth. At our state-of-the-art dental practice, we offer both partial and full dentures, as well as implant-supported dentures. Whether you are missing one tooth or all of your teeth, we can help you restore your smile and restore your confidence.

Dentures are made up of two main components: the base and the teeth. The base is made of either acrylic or polymer and is designed to fit snugly over your gums. The teeth are made of porcelain or composite resin and are crafted to the precise color, shape, and size that you desire.

    • Full dentures are held in place with either natural suction, dental adhesives, or implants. These devices are typically recommended for patients who are missing all of their teeth in either the upper or lower arch, or both arches.
    • Partial dentures are used when you are only missing a few teeth. These devices are held in place by clipping onto your existing teeth for support.

Full Mouth Restoration

A full mouth restoration is a term used in dentistry to describe the process of rebuilding or repairing all of the teeth, or most of the teeth, in both the upper and lower jaws. This is performed by combining different dental procedures, such as implants, crowns, fillings, and bonding. A full mouth restoration can improve the function and appearance of your teeth, and it can also help to improve your overall oral health.

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