Dental Implants

District Dental Group - Washington, DC

Here at District Dental Group in Washington, DC, we are delighted to introduce our patients to the dependable, blendable, and absolutely commendable missing tooth solution—dental implants! Dental implants are titanium posts that are surgically placed into your jawbone in order to hold replacement teeth in place. This is an ideal solution for anyone missing one tooth or multiple teeth, as it functions and looks just like natural teeth. Not to mention, dental implants can last a lifetime with proper care! 

There are many reasons why patients may choose dental implants over other tooth replacement options, such as dentures or bridges. 

    • For starters, dental implants are much more dependable;  they don’t slip or move around like dentures, and they don’t rely on other teeth for support like bridges. 
    • Additionally, dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that actually fuses with your jawbone, which helps to preserve the natural shape of your face and prevent bone loss.  
    • Finally, dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth; this means that you can eat, speak, and smile with complete confidence! 

If you are interested in learning more about dental implants or if you think that dental implants may be the right solution for you, we encourage you to contact our office today to schedule a consultation. Our team would be more than happy to answer any questions that you may have and help you decide if dental implants are right for you.

Single Implants

Single style dental implants are implants that are designed to restore a single missing tooth or multiple missing teeth in different sections of the mouth. The single implant is composed of three separate pieces that work together to form the entire restoration; this is the implant itself, the abutment, and the dental crown.

    • The implant is a small titanium post that is placed directly into the jawbone where the tooth’s root would be naturally. The implant will eventually fuse to the bone and act as a new “root” for the tooth. Once the implant has fused to the bone, an abutment will be placed on top of it. 
    • The abutment is a small connector piece that helps to secure the dental crown to the implant. 
    • The crown is the final piece of the puzzle and is what will be visible above the gum line; it is made to match the natural color and shape of your adjacent teeth.

Single dental implants are a great option for those who are missing one or more teeth and are looking for a long-term, natural-looking solution.

Implant-Supported Bridges

An implant-supported bridge is a dental prosthesis that is supported by implants. It is used to replace multiple missing teeth in a sequence. Unlike a traditional bridge, which is supported by the surrounding teeth, an implant-supported bridge does not rely on neighboring teeth for support; instead, it derives stability from a natural source—the jawbone! This makes implant-supported bridges an exceptionally durable and long-lasting solution for tooth replacement.

The design of the implant-supported bridge is similar to that of a traditional bridge; the prosthetic features a crown on either side of the bridge, with one or more pontics in the middle. The pontics are the false teeth that replace the patient’s missing natural teeth. The difference lies in how the bridge is anchored in place. While a traditional bridge is secured to the surrounding teeth, an implant-supported bridge is attached to the implants and abutments that have been secured to the jawbone.

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures are dentures that are attached to implants in the mouth. This type of restoration is more stable than traditional dentures, which can make it easier to chew, eat, and smile with confidence. Implant-supported dentures also tend to be more comfortable because they put less pressure on the gums.

While traditional dentures are still an option for some people, implant-supported dentures are usually a better choice for anyone who has enough bone in their jaw to support the implants. The success of implant-supported dentures also depends on good oral hygiene. Patients who smoke or have a history of gum disease may not be candidates for this type of restoration.

If you are considering implant-supported dentures, we encourage you to contact our office to inquire about your interest. Our skilled dentists can help you determine if this type of restoration is right for you.

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